Embassy of The Bahamas, Brussels
Brussels, Belgium
December 2023
Press Release

The 61st anniversary commemorates the historic triumph of Bahamian women securing their voting rights, reflecting the perseverance of the Women’s Suffrage Movement and its champions, marking a transformative step towards equality and democratic participation.
This year, we celebrate a significant milestone in the history of the Bahamas. November 26th, 1962, marks the pivotal moment when Bahamian women exercised their fundamental right to vote for the first time. Prior to this historic moment, women were denied this basic democratic right, an unjust reality that spurred the formation of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, championed by influential figures like Mary Ingraham, Georgiana Symonette, and Eugenia Lockhart.
In 1957, Mary Ingraham assumed the presidency of the Suffrage Movement, joined by prominent leaders such as Dr. Doris Johnson upon her return to The Bahamas in 1958. Through relentless efforts, including petitions and public demonstrations, the movement fervently advocated for women’s voting rights. This culminated in a significant milestone when, on February 23, 1961, a bill was enacted enabling women to cast their votes, effective June 30, 1962.
November 26, 1962, symbolises not just the historic enfranchisement of Bahamian women but also serves as a testament to their resilience, igniting a transformative journey towards gender equality and active participation in shaping the nation’s future.
About The Embassy, Belgium: The Embassy of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas to the Kingdom of Belgium liaises with the Bahamas High Commission in London to perform a number of consular functions, including the processing and issuance of visas, the issuance of passports, the legalisation of documents, and assistance to Bahamian nationals in distress.
For more info: https://bahamasembassybe.com